Who can apply for this program
BøthOfUs | EU |UN | International agencies
co-funded program for
Education institutions

Public & Private Universities

Vocational schools


Empowerment and leadership programs

Job and Study abroad institutions
Program structure
BøthOfUs EU & UN funded programs on
Creating world peace using digitalisation, innovation & technology

Building/Enhancing tech transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship centre

Capacity development on digitalisation and innovation for staff and student

Skills development for youth/Student on digital, soft skills.

Study abroad, internships, job training, programs for students

Cross country university collaborations

Step 1 : Educational institutions express interest
Step 2 : BøthOfUs will arrange virtual meeting with Educational institutions for program preparation and compatibility check.
Step 3 : Partnering, education institution signs MoU and pays commitment fee
(Least Developed Countries : €200,
Island countries : € 300,
Economy in Transition/Developing Economies : €400,
Developed countries : €550)
* Country list and categories by UN
Step 4 : Phase 1 starts with a study to understand current state of institution
Step 5 : Phase 2 is the implementation phase with 3 to 6 months KPI and follow up meeting arrangement.

Funds info
Apply for call
We have place for only 6 educational institutions now, if you want to take a meeting with our program head, please, book a call
Case study : Educational institution case studies
17+ institutions collaboration in education sector
The Primary work carried out so far was
1) Evaluating internal capacity of staff
2) Formation of innovation, entrepreneurship department and student clubs
3) Creating financial revenue using innovation, career center
4) Soft skills and job readiness program for students
BøthOfUs in News & Media
BøthOfUs created social impact together with